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Oak Grove Baptist Church

In the year 1867, a church was built in a small community called Oak Grove, it was named Oak Grove Baptist Church.  Years later, it was renamed Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church.

Reverend Darby Willis was the founder and pastor at that time.  In 1884, a new church with its ever-changing leadership increased in membership.  The church expanded its physical structure to enhance the service and give comfort to the congregation.  Throughout the church existence, the vision remained the same; saving souls and giving praises to God from whom all blessings flow.


In June 1999, Rev. Albert Murdock assumed leadership and continued much needed upgrades to the church.  Within the first year of his tenure, the church transitioned from part time to full time worship service.  The first females appointed into the Trustee Ministry were:  Mrs. Edmonia D. Borden, Mrs. Gracie S. Bell and Mrs. Betty Williams.  Later that same year Ms. Edna Williams and Mrs. Dorothy Dawson were added to the ministry.  A permanent marker was erected in the cemetery, continuing to serve as Pastor, Rev. Murdock enlightened the church with aspirations of building a new edifice.  The members were in agreement and proceeded to rebuild; the groundbreaking for this new edifice took place in August 2000.  

The new edifice was completed in May 2001.  This edifice stands as a testimony to his leadership, as evidence of our forefather's faith and as a historical beacon to the community for generations to come.  The ribbon cutting ceremony dedication and first worship service was held June 10, 2001.

Mrs. Edmonia D. Borden organized the 1st Golf Tournament in 2002.  In 2003, the Golf Tournament was given in honor of Deacon Charles S. Forman Sr.  During that year the Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church Wall of Fame was created by Mrs. Edmonia D. Borden, located in the rear hallway of the church.

Rev. Hezekiah Young 5_6

Rev. Murdock resigned as pastor of the church on February 2, 2004.  Later that year Reverend Hezekiah Young became our pastor.  Under his leadership the Men's Club took over the up-keep of the church cemetery, they were responsible for the markers located near the outside baptismal pool, old outhouse, former church and the road sign on Hwy 69 for the church.

In July 2005, Reverend Hezekiah Young resigned as pastor.  The church was without leadership until March 2006.

Rev. Hezekiah Young

On March 3, 2006, Reverend Donald J. White became our leader.  His first sermon as pastor was given on March 5, 2006.  The installation for Pastor White was celebrated on May 28, 2006.  Under the leadership of Pastor White several deacons were ordained namely, Joe Jones (deceased), Reverend Willie Smith, Deacon Cleon Smith, Deacon Josh Cabil and Deacon Eddie Jones.  During the tenure of Pastor White, a Pastor's Aide Ministry and choir was formed.  Pastor White resigned in 2011.

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Deacon Joe Jones (Deceased)
 Deacon Willie Smith
 Deacon Cleon Smith
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 Deacon Joshua Cabil
 Deacon Eddie Jones

On April 24, 2011, Reverend Willie Smith was elected pastor of Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church.  Rev. Willie Smith was installed as pastor on June 19, 2011.  As our pastor, shepherd and counselor; he works in love, wisdom, humility, courage, patience, joy and self-denial.  Under his leadership the mortgage has been paid off, the parking lot paved, a Nursing Home and Women's Ministry added; and 16 souls baptized and added to the Kingdom. Bible study is held weekly, with the exception of the third Wednesday in each month, which has been designated as Evangelistic Ministry Wednesday. On October 6, 2018, our first church website began construction under the leadership and support of Pastor and 1st Lady Smith.

Pastor Willie Smith

We the members of the Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church can truly say:  "We've come This Far By Faith."  We are continually giving God all the praises for the marvelous things He's done.

We honor our inspiring leaders from 1867 to Present

1.    Rev. Darby Willis                       

2.    Rev. Hunter                               

3.    Rev. Gilbert Frost                      

4.    Rev. Frank E. Jones                   

5.    Rev. Charles S. Scott                 

6.    Rev. A.N. DeAmperet               

7.    Rev. S.S. Rainer                         

8.    Rev. S.D. Martin                        

9.    Rev A.W. Rainer                        

10.  Rev. C.S. Scott

11.   Rev. Winifred F. Agee                 

12.  Rev. Nathan Ash

13.  Rev. J.L. Jones

14.  Rev. Chester A. Fredd

15.  Rev. A.B. Williams

16.  Rev. A.L. Allen

17.  Rev. John T. Simmons

18.  Rev. Roderick Smith

19.  Rev. Albert Murdock Jr.

20.  Rev. Hezekiah Young

21.  Rev. Donald J. White 

22.  Rev. Willie Smith - Present

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